We Indians love dogs. Our society is obsessed with raising a foreign dog breed. However, a huge chunk of our population lives in an apartment, including myself.
Raising a large dog breed in an apartment which has limited space doesn’t make any sense. So here’s a list of 10 medium-sized dog breeds easily available in India.
1. Beagles

Beagles are one of the most popular dog breeds in India. They are small in size, but they are strong and energetic. They are a fun-loving breed that is always ready to go out.
They stand at just around 12 to 15 inches at shoulders and weigh about 18 to 22 kgs. They have a life expectancy of 12-15 years. Furthermore, they are smart and intelligent and are overall low maintenance. Likewise, they have short to medium hair and shed moderately.
Also read: Beagle Puppy Price in India with Monthly Expenses
2. Cocker Spaniel

Cocker Spaniel is a beautiful dog with a silky smooth coat. They come in tan, black, and mix colors. They have lovely dark almond-shaped eyes; they are also gentle, smart, and merry. They have a lifespan of 12-14 years and weigh up to 25-35 kgs.
Furthermore, they are lovely as house dogs as they are soft and lovely with children. They require a high-quality diet with good quality protein and vitamins. They usually suffer from liver issues along with hip dysplasia. They are also easily prone to ear infections due to their long floppy ears covering their ear canals.
They constantly need to be groomed as they have a medium to long coat. Their calm nature makes them a good option for a house dog.
3. Border Collie

The Border Collie is a herding dog breed. It was used for herding in Anglo-Scottish borders. They are very easy to train and follow instructions. They are obedient and clever. They are highly energetic, alert, and acrobatic dogs.
If you don’t have ample space, then collie is not the one for you. They need space to explore their environment and require vigorous exercise daily. They stand around 1.5 feet and weigh up to 15-20 kgs.
They suffer from eye and hip conditions as they get older. They also require a high protein diet and constant grooming. They shed heavily during the summer season and need to be brushed daily.
But in all, they check all the boxes for a perfect house dog.
Also read: Border Collie Price In India [2021]: How Much Would It Cost?
4. Pug

You might know this dog as the famous “Vodafone dog,” which is unfair for the breed because they are so much more than just a brand dog. Pugs have cute rolls over their face and droopy eyes. They are the perfect lapdogs as they enjoyed cuddling and may follow you all around the house.
They have a life expectancy of 12-15 years. They don’t need aggressive exercise. A 30-minute walk is sufficient.
Even though they have short hair, they do shed a lot. If you are prone to allergies or are particular about cleanliness, then a pug might not be the perfect option for you. But if dog hair isn’t a problem, then pugs are the best household dogs.
Their diet must contain low-fat ingredients as they are prone to obesity. A well-balanced diet with protein and healthy fats is enough to maintain their health and weight.
5. Dachshund

Dachshunds are well-known for their sausage-like body and tiny legs. Suppose you are looking for an excellent watchdog, then a dachshund is an ideal option for you. They are extremely alert and know their surroundings well. Even the slightest change, and they will alert you.
They are good family dogs, gentle with kids, and compassionate with their owners. They are hunting dogs and enjoy chasing. They require regular exercise and good quality food. They have a small food pipe, so their food must be fine and not chunky.
They are small but don’t be fooled by their size as they can bark loud, which can scare any visitor. They are prone to back issues and obesity. They can live up to 15 years.
6. Indie (Native India)

How can we forget our good old indie? They are perfect house and guard dogs. They are territorial and protective about their families. They need to be trained from a young age as they aren’t people pleasers. They are obedient but a little stubborn.
They weigh up to 14-18 kilos and stand up to 1.5 feet.
Indies are available easily and have strong immunity. They come in many colors like black, brown, white and many more. They can eat any kind of food, and this makes them low maintenance. Just make sure the diet consists of protein and is well-balanced.
They are a beautiful breed and need more acceptance in India.
7. French Bulldog

Frenchies are wrinkled faces, short, and have pointy ears. They look charming and pleasing to the eyes. They come in different colors and stand up to 12 inches. They are low maintenance and require less exercise.
They can adapt quickly and don’t bark much. They usually suffer from skin infections and breathing issues.
The only issue with French bulldogs is they drool a lot, and if you aren’t a big fan of saliva all over your hands, they are not the ones for you. But if that doesn’t bother you, a Frenchie is a perfect choice.
8. Great Indian Spitz

Great Indian Spitz is often confused with Pomeranians, as they look similar. But Indian Spitz is much larger than a Pomeranian. It weighs around 15-20 kgs and stands tall up to 11-15 inches.
They have mesmerizing eyes and a beautiful white coat. They shed moderately but require daily grooming.
Furthermore, they are active, smart, and cheerful. Not only that, but they are easy to train and are mild-tempered. They enjoy socializing and are gentle with others. They can easily adapt and are perfect for people living in an apartment.
9. Rottweilers

Rottweilers are fantastic guard dogs as they were used for herding in the 19th century. They measure up to 24-27 inches in height, and their life expectancy is 8-10 years.
They are devoted, obedient, and loyal. They are ready to work and are performers. They enjoy daily tasks and need intense exercise. Their diet must consist of high-quality protein and healthy fats. They are well aware of their environment and aren’t very friendly.
They are prone to suffer from hip conditions and joint issues. They are lovely house dogs, and if you are looking for a good guard dog, then rottweiler is the answer.
10. Golden Retrievers

Golden’s are sweet, friendly, and intelligent dogs. They love playing and spending time with their parents. They have a luscious golden or white coat that is long, soft, and silky.
They are mild-tempered and stand around 22-24 inches. They are medium-large-sized dogs and can weigh about 29-34 kgs. Their life expectancy is 12-15 years. They are trained to be hunting dogs but are gentle and sweet by nature. They make as a good family pet.
Also read: Can Golden Retrievers Survive in India
Why are medium-sized dogs ideal house dogs?
Medium-sized dogs are very common household pets. Their compact size allows them to fit in any kind of space and family. They are full of energy and love playing.
They are also excellent watchdogs as they can bark loud and are physically strong. Most medium-sized dogs are great around children and show amazing compassion against them.
All these qualities and attributes make medium-sized dogs the perfect option.
Final Thoughts
They all are lovely medium-sized house dogs, and I hope you enjoyed reading this article. Hopefully, this article helps you, and you can find the right dog for yourself.